Drivers for Microsoft Teams and Best Practices to Promote User Adoption
A deep dive into enterprise drivers and best practices to maximize the value of Microsoft Teams

IT leaders have a relatively common list of benefits related to a fully unified communications platform – reduced complexity, cost savings, improved data security, enhanced end-user experience, and increased organizational. This ebook probes deeper, leveraging data from Wainhouse surveys, market insights, and a fresh set of interviews with experienced IT Leaders – those with experience deploying Microsoft Teams as a unified collaboration solution across desktops, mobile devices, and meeting spaces.

Next Level Financial Benefits
The “UC Value Prop” has remained relatively unchanged over the year: save money, save time, deliver a consistent experience.

The New Teams Experience
Microsoft is pumping out Teams updates regularly including several meeting-focused feature enhancements.

Meeting Benefits Beyond the Expected
The benefits of Microsoft Teams go beyond the usual set of table-stakes we’ve grown accustomed to hearing.

Implementation Best Practices
As with drivers and benefits, the keys to succeeding with any UC implementation have remained relatively static over time.
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